
Finally I can WRITE

Oh my god, first of all, I owe you all the biggest apology in the world, because I haven´t written anyhting in here since last year!!!!! That´s pretty crazy huh?
Im really sorry, but I have had reasons not to, first of all, it was the beggining of the year and I wanted to spend some time with my family and stuff, second of all, I have been really really bussy with french, and high school, and also thinking about what Im going to do next in my life, because you know I have to study a career, I mean I want to, but I don´t know what to study I have been trying to figure out what can be good for me, but also in what things Im good at, and more important what do I want to live for the rest of my life?, I guess that´s a really good question that I have never really think off until this year, I guess I was a little stupid back then for not thinking about that... but whatever we´re all stupid at some point or another right?

And the third reason I COULDN´T REMEMBER MY PASSWORD!!!!! I have been really trying to login in, in my blog for the past 5 months but guess what? STUPID ME forgot her password, that is actually some of the stupidest things I´ve ever heard off!!! I can´t believe it how can I possibly forget that!!!?? Im really dumb guys, sorry, really sorry, but guess what? Miracles do happen, because my laptop somehow made me enter here today, the 28th, september!!! How amazing is that huh???

So I just wanted to say thank you all, and I´m back!!

I love you!!!!


keep spreading the love...


Many, many thoughts

Hey hey hey!
I just wanted to write something before this new year begins why? I don´t really know yet... I guess I´ll figure it out later...
Well I just wanted to tell you guys, that I´vve been doing my best to write something in here, but the thing is I don´t get the words to do it, I mean I have many many good ideas that come into my mind while reading a book, or watching a movie, but I don´t seem to use the right words to express it...
So, since I can get anything from the bottom of my heart to say so.,. I´ll just go ahead and try this:
It goes something like this...
A new year is about to start and I think it´s a really great idea to think about the things I´ve done, the things I´ve been thinking of, the road my mind is taking lately, the words I use, the clothes I use, the way I look, and most important THE WAY I THINK.
I think in this last year so many things had happened, some really awesome, some of them not so awesome, some heart-aching, some smile-making, some tear-dropping, and crazy thinking lately, but the thing is I´ve really learnt a lot, in this 2012, about what? About LIFE, fellows. I mean I´m not an expert I just know that what is designated to happen it is going to happen, but you don´t have to keep looking around how everyone is happier than you, you just have to stand up and get some happiness for yourself.
I think my mind has evolved really really fast, I don´t think the way I used to a month ago, or a year ago, but that's good (at least for me) it is a sign that I´m growing up, and I can honestly say that I´m not a fan of getting acne or change the size of my clothes but I like the feeling, that everyone around me is treating me like what I´ve always have been... ME.
A 17 year old that sometimes thinks more like a 40 year old but loves herself.
So that´s it, I didn´t expect it to be that good, but I'm optimistic...
So I'm guessing this is the last time I´m going to write before the new year comes, so I´ll just take an advantage of this opportunity and say:

Well I don´t actually care about your religion preferences I just wanted to spread the love, and said that if you have family and friends this is the time to say to everyone I LOVE YOU BRO! I know we shouldn´t do it just because it´s Christmas but I really get to think that some people really needs to hear it :)

and second of all
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unless you celebrate the new year in some other time it doesn´t matter, let me say it to you because this is when I get to celebrate it!...
It´s been a crazy crazy year.

Thanks for everything and keep cozzy in this cold, please take of yourselfs and your loved ones, happy holidays to everyone! Except those who doesn´t celebrate in this time of the year...

WITH LOVE L-O-V-E (got it) LOVE,


Ps: I have good new for you, I passed my math exam, and also I passed French exam and now I´m on level 4 hahaha :D

Joyeux Noel à tous!



I´m back!

It´s been a while since I haven´t write anything in here, so I figured it was about time to come back, to the outer net world, why? Because sometimes I thinks it  understands me better, sometimes it doesn´t I don´t even quite understand him....

Since August I haven´t write anything, but I did wanted to, it´s just I haven´t got the time to do it, you know between school, french, family, pets, and my loving hobby of Reading books, I haven´t made a tiny space to fit my blog in, but I´ll do it later...

OK four months had passed already, I can´t believe we´re almost ending another year so quickly, time is a dangerous fellow I must say we have to take by the horns or other ways he will go out running like a crazy chicken that doesn´t want to get caught.

I think I´ve grown a lot since my last publication, not just because I´m 17 now, but because I think I understand a tiny part of the world wicked ways, I think I´m finally getting the hang of, but it´s OK, It´s still me, I just wanted to stop by take a minute a write something, and I just realised I missed this dude!, haha well, I won´t be missing it again because I´m here to stay but I must say you should wish me luck for my final exam of math, this next Tuesday, although it is really unfair I´m doing it, I have to do it, even If I don´t like it, but whatever, life is unfair, and I dare say a final exam is not so unfair, there are a lot of things worse than that, so I´ll stop complaining...

I just wanted you to know that is almost Christmas, and it is a love time of the year and we should be grate full just for being around, although sometimes our existences doesn´t seems to be so lucky, or good, but we are the only ones who have to power to think so, and to change so, so this is the time to do so, I guess I´m gonna get started right away...

See you soon guys, thanks for reading!


Lore <3


Thinking iin a dangerous word...

Have you ever thought why do they always make movies about a four letter word that I don´t quite understand yet (L-O-V-E)?

Well I do, all the time, and there´s one movie in particular that made me thing a lot when I first saw it, it´s called "Heartless" if you have seen it of course you know what I´m talking about if your not well then you don't know but, there´s a fact: it is a really good movie...

This movie is about a boy that had a mole heart-shaped in the face, red and  everything but he didn´t liked it, (I think it´s pretty amazing, can you imagine? a a heart-shaped mole? w-o-w!) so he always hide that side of his face with his hoodies, and stuff like that, so one day he started to hate himself, because he thought that he would never find anyone who could love for whom he was, so he made a pact with the devil and the devil, made him believe that the mole had disappear, but- it wasn´t, it was always there, in the meanwhile he met this amazing girl and fell in love, and he thought that he had no mole, but he did... well I'm ain't going further because I'm going to ruin the movie for you guys if you hadn´t seen it.

The point is that I sort of feel like him, I feel like no one is ever going to love me or like me for whom I am, I know that´s a little bit to dark to think of, but what if I'm right?.

I think I'm going to rent the movie and see it again I have to see it again to" feel like there´s some hope for me I don't wanna be lonely for the rest of the days in the earth"-Weezer (Yes, that´s a part of a weezer´s song).
You should watch that movie, is an England independent film, it is really good, I loved it, it´s one of my favourites movies ever...

Well I'm gonna go and watch it again.



Getting phyllosphycal...

Since I´m getting older, I´ve begin to wonder, why am I here?, what´s the reason of me being here?, I guess somewhere inside me there´s an answer for those questions, but I really, really want to find them out, since I don´t see me in a future 10 years from now, I guess that´s a bad start, but I´ve tried to imagine myself older, at age 26--27 what am I going to be doing?, am I going to be strung?, am I going to be teaching?, am I going to be travelling around the world?, am I going to be getting married? (I hope NOT), am I going to have a child? (I hope I WON´T), am I going to be here?, am I going to be somewhere else?, am I going to have friends?, Is my parrot still with me?, but the most important question of all, AM I GOING TO BE H A P P Y?, (I WANT TO), but how can I get there, if I can´t get an answer for all of those earlier questions I´ve made?, I guess I´m not supposed to be worrying about the future, but I guess I just can´t stop thinking about it, I´ve always said that if we don´t enjoy the present, in the future we´ll be regretted about all of those things we didn´t do when we supposed to do them, I guess that´s my problem, I just can´t listen to myself, that´s an odd phrase, I guess it´s true though, well, I suppose that if I continue wondering about the future, I won´t enjoy the present, so I´ll stop, and something good will come out of it (I really hope so)...

Listen to myself, that´s my new goal, I need TO LISTEN TO MYSELF.

Love, LORE.

I guess I liked the word "but" a lot hahaha :D

Thanks for reading these guys I love you!



OK I know I should know this but I know I knew but I just haven't thought about the consequences it may have on my soul and my body.
You´re probably like what is she talking about?, I'm talking about anger, being angry with someone, and to concentrate all of the things that had made your day in a bad day, yes that´s it...
So I really am a pacifist person but when someone or something makes me angry I can be really scary you know?, it´s almost like the moment I get angry I became a totally different human being, one who cannot control her anger and I know that's not healthy nor good for my spirit, but what can I do?.
The other day I was printing something for school (Yes I'm back in school, already I know what a short vacation that was :( ), and the freaking machine got stocked I literally wanted to throw it away and kick it the far I could but the only thing I did it was to cry, I don´t know why, and a lot of things happened to me this week also, and I got really angry, and then suddenly the other I got dizzy and I almost throw p, it was like I have eaten some bomb or whatever I literally felt like I was dying, and guess what?
Yes, you´re right it´s because I'm becoming a cranky little girl (not so little) and I got scared because I usually got a good health but not now, I mean I know is my fault and the only person who can change who I really am IS ME, No one can change me, but myself, so I guess I have to change just a little bit in that matter, so I´ve been thinking of things  can do to relax, and so far I´ve got this:
*Play some sport
*Go out and walk
*Go and talk with my parrot
And that´s it, I think my next inversion is going to be in buying a book, for anger management, and relaxation. because as much as I want to I don´t know hot to meditate I'm that would help but I don´t how, I think that´s my next goal, meditate to RELAX.

I know this particular thing I wrote today, seems like some part of a diary but I really needed to let it go, so I thought it would be a nice way to let it out of my head, just by writing it here, I'm sorry if this causes you trouble I didn´t mean to.




The Olympics going on!

OK so here we are just about to end this month, you know... and my country just won the first olympic medal in the Olympic games of this year I just can´t believe it I´m so happy :D
¡MUCHAS FELICIDADES CHICOS! (Germán Sanchez e Iván García) no hay mejor regalo para ustedes, que ganar una medalla olímpica en estos días, y por supuesto con unos competidores tan preparados con los que compitieron el día de hoy.

Toda la buena vibra que existe se les está mandando desde acá.
Here a photo of these amazing winners.




Nos vemos/See you soon