Oh my god, first of all, I owe you all the biggest apology in the world, because I haven´t written anyhting in here since last year!!!!! That´s pretty crazy huh?
Im really sorry, but I have had reasons not to, first of all, it was the beggining of the year and I wanted to spend some time with my family and stuff, second of all, I have been really really bussy with french, and high school, and also thinking about what Im going to do next in my life, because you know I have to study a career, I mean I want to, but I don´t know what to study I have been trying to figure out what can be good for me, but also in what things Im good at, and more important what do I want to live for the rest of my life?, I guess that´s a really good question that I have never really think off until this year, I guess I was a little stupid back then for not thinking about that... but whatever we´re all stupid at some point or another right?
And the third reason I COULDN´T REMEMBER MY PASSWORD!!!!! I have been really trying to login in, in my blog for the past 5 months but guess what? STUPID ME forgot her password, that is actually some of the stupidest things I´ve ever heard off!!! I can´t believe it how can I possibly forget that!!!?? Im really dumb guys, sorry, really sorry, but guess what? Miracles do happen, because my laptop somehow made me enter here today, the 28th, september!!! How amazing is that huh???
So I just wanted to say thank you all, and I´m back!!
I love you!!!!
keep spreading the love...
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